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Ufamy, że ich przeglądanie będzie dla państwa inspiracją dla nowych pomysłów i rozwiązań biznesowych.
Tomasz Lacheta
Bronson BCS
Tel. +48 794 009 800
Skontaktuj się z nami...
Poland as a country in the period of economic growth, can offer a lot of business opportunities like investing/financing/acquiring in new or existing ventures.
BRONSON BCS (BRONSON Business Consulting Services) is focused on supporting and advising foreign, investors, companies which would like to searching out projects for invest in seed ,start-up, buy-out or M&A process.
BRONSON BCS offer opportunities of cooperation according to our Business Consulting Services programs for foreign investors :
If would you like to start activity in Poland, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact: info@bronson.com.pl